Farewell to My 2016 Model Team | Twin Cities Senior Photographer
You know the saying. "Out with the old, and in with the new!" I prefer saying something more along the lines of "Spread your wings and fly off into the world - for a new flock is about to land." Or something like that. What am I talking about you ask? I'm talking about the wonderful group I have referred to as my Class of 2016 Senior Model Team. Their time has come to spread their wings and fly into the big world. Graduation is upon them.
We had one final group session for the 2016 crew. The team wanted to do a dual "farewell" session with the incoming Class of 2017 Model Team. And dress up for the occasion! And so they did. We went out to Edina on a rather warm Sunday afternoon. All of the ladies had their gowns on from Prom (quick shout out to Maddie - she designed and made both her dress and Josie's prom dress herself this year-WOW-how amazing is that!) and Hunter put on his Sunday best tie and vest. (Although I learned he wore a white tux to his prom. Snazzy!) Everyone looked great!
Both teams combined for a final "Farewell" session. Josie & Reggie (2017), 2016 present members-Maddie, Hunter & Kaitlin, along with Jessica, Leah & Chloe, Class of 2017.
We were just getting into the first group pose, and a guy comes walking with his remote control semi truck carrying another remote controlled yacht boat on it's trailer. Of course the semi is going to take part in making our dress up a "semi" formal event and stopped (literally) for a photo with our teams. And then sped up and was on his way.
See? I wasn't kidding!
Not everyone was able to make our farewell sendoff shoot, but I'm so glad they decided they wanted to do a dual group session like this. Some of the crew have been friends for a very long time, while others have embraced their newfound friendships as team members. And that is what this experience is really about, is being a part of a bigger picture while embracing and documenting who we are at those exact moments. From South St. Paul, West. St. Paul, New Prague, and Cottage Grove, to Shakopee and Northfield-these high schoolers are from all around! Making new friends, creating awesome memories, and going well beyond just an average every day senior photo session for a yearbook photo. As much as I hope that it has been a great experience for the high schoolers, it has been a phenominal program for me to be a part of, and I have learned so much in this last year alone! Enough of me babbling, let's take a look at the farewell shoot images!
First with a video for the 2016 crew...
And a look at some fun images from their farewell session!
(yes there were mini golfers in the background!)
We do laugh alot during our model sessions! Sometimes, I make them stick their head and necks out like chickens, or give me a fake belly laugh, which usually is proceeded by a "real" laugh. I'm sure the 2016 crew will not miss me saying "Right shoulder to me! Chin out, and down!" You all are pros in my book!
In the segment below, I think a spider, or a bug of somesort was on or near Leah (the one who is kneeling) - and it sparked a little bit of laughter among the group. I just kept clicking.
Bidding the final farewell to the 2016 crew: Kaitlin, Hunter and Maddie!
I even have 2016 and 2017 members who are related! (Chloe and Maddie). It was a great time to be had by all! Josie decided that she wanted to run through the water fountains. Twice. Chloe almost did. Again, I just kept clicking.
I'm going to wrap up my post to the 2016 crew by telling you all one more time how much I appreciate the opportunity to have been a part of your senior year in some capacity. You will go on and do great things! The future is yours, and you are all bright, smart, and I know you will reach any heights you have your mind set to achieve. Thank you. To you, your parents, your families. Your confidence and support you have instilled in me as a photographer is well beyond something I can ever measure. I love what I do, but you have shown me why.
Grateful. Happy. Fulfilled. That is what I am.
Peace to you,
Monda the Photographer
And P.S. to my Class of 2017 Team...are you ready? It's your turn! Thank you for this wonderful sendoff to the 2016 crew! It was awesome!
Now booking Class of 2017 Senior sessions mg@mondagoette.com or submit your request here!