10 Years Remembered: A Friendship in Photographs | Woodbury Photographer
I believe in the power of a printed photograph.
Those who know me well fully understand I believe in the power of a printed photograph. As a full service photo studio, I will always educate my clients on why the power of printed photographs are important for us to display as wall art in our homes, and in albums where we can visually see them every single day to relive those special stories. Little kids adore looking at themselves in photos. It helps them identify their sense of belonging and loving who they are. And as a mom myself, seeing the photo of my family in print just makes me happy. You deserve to look back on those moments time after time to relive that time captured. It’s magic!
The emotion of a photograph - the memory, the tangible reminder where we can glance and reimagine that specific moment at that specific place with that specific person (or animals of course). You don’t get that time back, but the printed imagery is a great reminder of getting you the closest you’ll ever be to feeling that moment again. And even on the roughest of days, one glance of those printed photos is all it takes to put your mind at ease.
Today, June 22, 2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of losing one of my most favorite people, my best friend Jenny. While I think of her every day still, most times with a smile, the sadness of her absence can be overwhelming as if it happened yesterday. Seeing printed photos of her and I in person, or her with my son when he was little…those printed moments mean everything to me now, more than ever! If you’ve lost anyone remotely close to you, you know exactly the feeling.
Initially, I wrote a blog about The Power of a Printed Photograph where I initially shared my story about losing Jenny. And you can read that here. I revised that post over Covid lockdown, and felt it was time to write a new post to commemorate a date that I can’t even believe to be true. 10 freaking years. Gone. It still seems surreal.
Lifelong Pals
Jenny and I are pictured at an event in Minneapolis. I had just started my photo business at the time, and the photographer was actually still shooting on film for this image! I’m so grateful she took this photo of us!
There’s an abundance of wonderful memories I had with Jenny in our near-20 year friendship. We went to college together for Advertising Design at Brown Institute. She loves Mickey Mouse. I hate Mickey Mouse, but love Pluto. We laughed so hard so many times. She would spend time with my son while I went to work when he was little. We had so much fun, and even went through a lot of hard times but were there for each other. Her parents became second parents to me (#2), and she was that sister I never had. Every day I miss her like something fierce. I hate that she is gone.
Having the printed photos out around my house placed in those spots where I look constantly on a daily basis really help to keep her spirit alive. Because now that is all I have left, are memories, and the photographs we took. And all of those moments still are held so tightly in my mind and close to my heart.
When is the last time you had a professional family portrait done, or had photos taken of you and your favorite people?
If you have to think hard about that answer…then it’s been too long and you need to get in touch with me to get a new family photo scheduled. Now is the best time! I’ll help you curate a wall space in your home to accomodate a new family wall art gallery that can grow with you, and we can add to it year after year with amazing family pics, AND, tie new pics in with the old so you can really adore your favorite people in all stages of their lives!
Please don’t wait until a person passes on before you realize how important those photos will be! Celebrate just BEING in the now! Family, and special people and our pets in our lives deserve to be celebrated every single day, and then even more once those people pass on. Print the photos of your loved ones and enjoy them and celebrate them today and every single day that you can. I don’t ever want to get over the fact that one of my favorite people is no longer here in this world. The printed photos that captured our personalites and laughter will certainly make those days brighter.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my plea to print, print, PRINT! And if you want to create something special for your home to enjoy for years to come, give me a shout. I want to tell your story unapologetically in photographs.
PS? Call your best friend or favorite person right now and tell them you love them.
Monda the Photographer