2022 Annual National Adorable Contest Winners Announced!
Isn’t this time of the year magical? With all of the leaves changing into beautiful colors before they all fall to the ground. It’s a beautiful sight. Short lived, but an amazing thing to witness, nonetheless!
This time of the year is also exciting, because the “I’m Adorable National Children’s Portrait Contest” winners are announced from one of my professional portrait labs.
To refresh your memory, every child that participated in my local Cute Kid Contest this past spring/summer, also received a free entry into the national contest. The contest is put on by one of my pro labs in the Midwest. (My studio Monda Goette Photography is not part of the lab’s judging/final selection process.) The national contest ran all summer long to participating studios across the United States and the judging took place in late October.
My lab has just announced the winners and I am excited to share we had some of our local Cute Kid participants place in the contest!
It was a 1st Place finish for the 9-12 year old contest category:
1st Place Winner in the 9-12 Year Old Age Category. Prize of $200 Visa Gift Card from my lab. So happy for you!
Monda Goette Photography also had an Honorable Mention in the 9-12 age group category:
Honorable Mention winner for the 9-12 year old age category receiving the winning prize of a $25 Visa Gift Card. Congrats to you!
2nd Place winner for the 3-5 Year age category goes to this fella:
2nd Place winner receives a $100 from the pro lab. Amazing! Congrats!
We also had a 3rd Place winner for the 3-5 year old age category:
3rd Place winner receives a $50 Visa Gift Card prize from the lab. Horray! So exciting!
It was so exciting to hear from my lab that we had some winners place in the national contest! Congratulations to these adorable faces! There is always something special about photographing a young child. They bring a certain special energy to the room that fills my heart. Thank you, families, for entrusting my studio to photograph and capture your child(ren).
I’m honored to be part of the uber talented studios who participated in this contest. Highest congrats and regards go out to all studios with winning images. So good!
I’m grateful to my lab for giving studios, children and families the opportunity to participate in a national contest. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and I know the children who win prizes are beyond excited to be selected.
To see all of the Adorable Contest winners, click here. (note you will be taken away from this website.)
I hope seeing these adorable cute kids today made you smile in some way!
Fondly, Monda the Photographer
Edited to add: I’m not participating in a 2023 portrait contest, however, if you want to get on my mailing list for future children’s promotions or contest opportunities, enter your name and email below and I’ll be sure to stay in touch!