Cooking with Chef Trent | Apple Valley, MN Family Photographer
Meet Chef Trent!
This is Trent Spangler, a local 16-year-old from Apple Valley, Minnesota. A young man who enjoys skiing, trap shooting, spending quality time with his family, has earned his Eagle Scout ranks, and best of all...LOVES COOKING! Trent is also a tough fighter. A lifetime-fighter of a long time enemy...that dreaded beast we all know as cancer. But he does not let that get in his way of doing the things he loves.
I was an honored guest at his home recently for a family night of meal preparation with Chef Trent along with his parents Sherry and Steve, as well as their family of pets!
(pictured are Templeton (white) and Oscar (black) who is 105 years old in doggy years!)
Why was this night so special? Because this is one of Trent's become a Master Chef! Because of a special partnership with Local Crate, Trent receives locally prepared ingredients and cooking instructions for a cuisine meal once a month to make in the comforts of his own home! This evening's menu: Maple Mustard Pork Chops with Herb Root Vegetable Hash. YUM!
Check out a video compilation of images taken from a night with Chef Trent and Company!
You can also catch stories about Trent and his chef journey on a local Twin Cities news station, FOX 9. Trent had the awesome opportunity to be one of the chefs for Minneapolis Hell's Kitchen in 2015. You can see that coverage here!
I'll be spending a little more time with Trent in the coming future, but just to learn a bit more about the type of person he is...for his Eagle Scout project-inspired by his own personal experience and journey, he started a local campaign to collect all sorts of "fun" bandages for a local hospital with the hopes that he can help make a young child's experience in the hospital a bit brighter. Another local news station, WCCO has this story and you can see it here.
Trent pictured with his mom and dad with the meal we all prepared together!
Stay tuned for more of Chef Trent's story in the next few months from Monda Goette Photography!