Here's What Springtime Looks Like in My Yard - Take a Look - Shakopee Photographer
It is amazing what a (lot) of sunshine can do to enhance the blooms in spring! Here's what springtime looks like in my yard! I have two retaining wall gardens on both sides of my house, and I attempted to weed it this weekend so that the buds coming up have room to bloom. (I also took down the start of a robin's nest under my deck. A new one is already in place!) I have a few stray tulips, bleeding hearts, peonies (not quite ready to bloom yet), a grape vine, and a ton of hostas coming up right now! On Friday, the crabapple trees were about to burst with floral blooms. I took some photos with my iPhone 5 with the assistance of the olloclip mini macro and fisheye lens for cell phones. It is an older phone, but I'm still impressed by its quality of image for photos. Here are a few pics taken with my iPhone.
Two different crabapple trees in my yard.
Top row of images is of my grape vine. Such awesome detail from the olloclip macro lens! The bottom red image is of a tulip, and the last two are of bleeding hearts. (Bottom right is with the olloclip fisheye lens.)
I had to get out there with my DSLR camera this morning to capture the crabapple trees before their petals begin to blow away by huge gusts of wind! Full sun makes for some pretty cool spotlight images! Take a look!
By Saturday morning, I had two puffy trees of floral beauty blowing in the breeze! The sunshine on Saturday just opened everything up, it was so beautiful!
Crabapple trees in full bloom!
This was also a perfect time to take snapshots of my poor dying ash tree in my front yard. About 3-4 years ago, some weird bug invaded the tree, causing little round holes in the trunk. (NOT ash borer beetle-we double checked with the City of Shakopee Department of Natural Resources!) Since then, its branches have drooped tremendously, but she still seems to manage to bloom and grow every year! I am not sure how much time we have left before her time is up and we have to say goodbye, but until then, her annual bloom is thus recorded in my photo documentary!
The Ash tree in my front yard. Notice the droop of the branches in the top right image. Poor tree!
Just a few more pics to conclude my morning adventure of spring nature in my front yard!
Only a handful of tulips came up this year!
Of course I cannot forget the important "people" in my life who watch my every move during the day! My dog, and one of my "fatcats" - Simon in the window, along with a few other randoms! Here's what springtime looks like in my yard!
The Allie Dog, also featured is Simon-one of my "Fatcats." A random little tree growing through the landscape bricks; a smokebush beginning its bloom, and some fun lawn art (I wish I knew the artists who created these, but I don't!)