Learning to Listen, Not Respond | From Monda the Photographer | Woodbury, MN Photographer
I just listened to a pretty powerful podcast from one of my print vendor reps earlier this afternoon, and their message really resonated with me (link to podcast at the end of my blog below!). I'd like to pass the same thoughts on to those who are taking the time to read this.
I'm not going to overload this post and stress you out further by reminding you what today's stay-home rules are and how to adhere to them, or throw some crazy curve chart graphic in your face so that you can lose yet another hour of sleep tonight trying to do the math. You want those types of reminders, simply turn on your tv or go to your Twitter feeds! You don't need my help on that!
Here's what I do want to talk to you about. Genuinely checking in with people.
Followed by a gentle reminder on how you can be better at it while we navigate through these uncertain times.
Connection with people is huge.
Especially with our loved ones and people we really care about. But there is another piece to being connected in a conversation with someone, and I think we might be missing the mark as a whole on it.
Sometimes, you just want to talk to someone-be it about a personal situation, or a work-related thought. You aren’t necessarily looking for a solution, but you just want to talk it out with someone. What usually happens, is the person “hears” you, but based on their response, they didnt’ listen to a word you just said, and somehow their conversation becomes about them and their experience. So I want to chime in on something called LISTENING to listen-NOT listening to respond.
An amazing quote from Matt Hodgman during the “For A Time Like This" podcast - A YouTube Limited Series from This Conversation with Jed Taufer Presented by White House Custom Colour.
This is the best quote of my COVID-19 pandemic experience yet! Matt Hodgman, one of my local vendor reps at White House Custom Colour, nailed it on the head when he said in a podcast "Listening to listen, not listening to respond," when he and host Jed Taufer of This Conversation With Jed Taufer talked about the importance of being a listening ear today in conversations in regards to the different stages of how people are navigating through this weird time in the world.
Sometimes the best response…is no response at all.
The podcast I mention above gave me a firm reminder on what it means to truly show up in conversations, and it further defined the importance of our roles to one another in these trying times.
The next time you engage in a conversation with someone - especially as it relates to today's current situation - try to simply LISTEN to what they are saying vs providing an automatic response as a means of connecting with them. Whether it is a business colleague, or your mom on the other line - our brains are bursting with a million different emotions and feelings right now. Frankly, we're all overwhelmed to say the least. Sometimes people just need a place to exhale, and want someone to listen and be that ear for them. Not for someone to solve their problem or to have someone compare their story to - just a good ol' friendly set of ears to listen as a means of comforting them and supporting them through a scary time.
If you are on the other side of the conversation and YOU are the one who needs someone to listen - now is the time to reach out! Our new mantra for this unprecedented time is "We are all in this together" - and people need to take advantage of the down time. And if you feel that your time in this moment is that you are the one who needs to be heard or if you are feeling like you need help in some way - reach out!
Reach out to someone you can trust, and just ask for that time from them. (Jed talks about this in the podcast. So good!)
Another thing to consider is to use this same concept during your time with family at home. Yeah, it's a no brainer, I know. You are going to be spending more time with your spouse and other family members at home than you have in a while, so why not create a space of joy and have intentional conversations with them. Even if some of those conversations require NO RESPONSE from you. They still need to be had sometimes.
Thanks for listening. (no pun intended). Hope this helps you in the days to come.
Fondly, Monda the Photographer
Thank you to Matt Hodgman and Jed Taufer at whcc for the inspiration to do my own little blog based on your guys’ conversation! You are the best!
The conversation podcast I talk about can be found by clicking here.
Photo Credit Karen Stauffer Photography 2019