Madison, Class of 2018 Senior | Prior Lake High School, MN | Senior Photographer
This is Madison, Class of 2018 Senior from Prior Lake High School in Savage, MN!
One of her favorite images!
The first time I met Madison, the year was 2014. It was during her freshman year of high school, and we were at a pre-Homecoming dance picture gathering. A first “semi-formal” for the frosh! She actually attended the dance with my son that night, and they both looked SUPER!
I first noticed her smile and the sparkle in her eyes, and I immediately knew this girl had a bright future ahead of her! You could just see it.
Madison pictured here with my son at their first semi-formal high school homecoming dance.
Fast forward to Madison’s senior year. I had the privilege of reacquainting myself with her again as we got to spend a few hours together, along with her mom, during her senior photo session. (Mom is awesome fun to be around!) And let me tell you, Madison stole the show! She is a standout with a rockstar personality, and - if I may...SHE. LOOKED. OUT OF THIS WORLD!!
We started the day off at my photography studio in Bloomington with professional make up application by the lovely and talented Mollie of Esthetics By Mollie. With her most favorite Starbucks drink in hand, we were starting her senior session experience! We had an amazing day planned. The weather was great, it really was a picture-perfect day. Looking flawless and with her confidence kicked into high gear, we were ready to rock & roll for our Minneapolis senior photo session!
While at one of our location spots, there was this bucket that had the words "LET'S DO THIS" printed on it, and I didn't quite see that until after I began my edits. But really, that is the theme for those high school seniors who are entering that last year of high school. Go in with confidence and LET'S DO THIS!
Check out the bucket that made the cut from this shot!
You never know what you will discover while on a senior session. Learning all of the things they love, finding out those unique things about them, and ironically finding their last name on a nearby piece of equipment where we were shooting! It was the coolest thing that has happened on a session! While the two are not in relation to each other, it was still a neat coincidence to find HER OWN last name during HER senior session. I mean, what are the odds of that ever happening when you have a unique last name?
We found her last name!
Whipps - Whipps, Inc. Pretty cool!
The 411:
A new thing I’ve implemented for the 2018 seniors, is asking them to provide me more information about who they are...or as I'm referring to it...getting their "411." . I learn so much about each senior during their session, and I want to be able to share that with all of you! Photos can and will always tell a great story, but I want you all to get to know these fine young girls and guys first hand to find out more special and unique things about them!
Get the 411 on Madison:
School: Prior Lake High School, MN
Team Mascot: Lakers
What I enjoy: Reading, music, drawing and volunteering
Best described by my friends as kind, loyal, fun, smart, crazy and carefree.
My favorite hangout with friends: Coffee shops and boating on the lake
What’s on my playlist: 1-800-273-8255; Heartache on the Dance Floor; Sorry
My fav places to shop: Francesca’s, Express, and H&M
4 things nobody knows about me:
1. Extraverted but cautious at times
2. I want to see the coral reef
3. I like fishing but don’t have the patience
4. I refuse to buy Converse! (*editor's chime in: She had brand new VANS!)
I am inspired to be driven to do my very best.
My message to underclassmen: Sleep is for the weak!
My future plans after high school: To attend college to become a trauma doctor
Aw Madison, you know how much I enjoyed spending that time with you for your senior session. I loved every single image taken of you! You made my job very easy by just being you. You have a wonderful story to share with the world, and I am wishing you all the best during your senior year, and for the rest of your future. Keep your chin up, look beyond any cloudy days you might have, and know that there are plenty of sunny days ahead just waiting for you. You will do well, my friend. I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for you. Be sure to come back and visit me - I'll get us some hummus and pita chips again!
Click HERE to download a mobile phone app of Madison's senior photo highlights and a link to her entire senior session slideshow!
Monda is a senior portrait photographer serving the Twin Cities metro area. For more information to get started on your 2019 senior session, contact me here so we can chat! Dare to dream, dare to be different.