Meet Ebonie, 2016 Senior Model Team | Park High School, Cottage Grove, MN
Introducing Ebonie, high school senior
Ebonie is one of my model team members from Park High School in Cottage Grove, MN. Ebonie has been on board with me since the beginning of my launching the new senior model program. Her and her mom attended the initial parent/model meeting down at the Twin Cities Photography Group Studio in St. Paul in April. I was so happy when Ebonie said "yes" to being one of my first model team members! Thank you!
Ebonie, 2016 Model Team
Described by her friends as outgoing, silly, and sarcastic, Ebonie is seen wearing and modeling outfits provided by ApricotLane Boutique in Mendota Heights. (also located at The Shops at West End.) Being able to showcase these outfits was perfect- as Ebonie wants to become a full time model someday for her ultimate dream job. And she did a great job at her model session! Check out the video I pieced together for ApricotLane featuring Ebonie!
Her favorite stores to shop at are American Apparel, Urban Outfitters and Brandy Melville. She is a fashion connoiseur! I was most impressed with her perfect attendance in high school and making the B Honor Roll. Huge accomplishments-that is awesome!
Ebonie takes vocal classes and enjoys singing, photography & modeling, eating fruit, hanging out with her boyfriend. (I can't wait to hear her sing for me! ;-) Her favorite singer/bands are Birds, Christina Aguilera, and James Vincent. Other things she loves: coffee, pizza, Mike and Ike candy, and Take 5 candy bars. She cannot be without her hair straightener, watermelon and good ol' fashioned sunshine.
I asked every model team member who they felt was the most inspiring to them. Ebonie said she chooses her mom because "she motivates me too be a good person, and she's never given up on me." (Your mom will LOVE this! Because I did!) She also went on to say that her most favorite place on earth is in her dad's arms hugging him. I am so happy to hear that her parents both mean so much to her.
Here are some images from Ebonie's model session!
Be sure to keep up on all of our social media platforms to learn more fun tidbits about Ebonie and the rest of the 2016 model team throughout the year! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter with the handle @mondafoto, and on Facebook and liking my page!
To begin your senior session experience, contact Monda here.