Mark, Class of 2018 | South St. Paul High School, MN | SSP, MN Senior Photographer
Continuing on to introduce the upcoming graduates! Next is Mark from South St. Paul Secondary!
I spent some time with Mark and his mom in St. Paul for his senior session. While Mark was not too interested in having his senior pics taken, we were still able to capture parts of his personality, which I think made the experience more comfortable for him.
For instance...the socks. And the shoes.
Mark likes his unique patterned and printed socks. While he didn't say too much during the shoot itself, his socks and shoes changed with each outfit he had. This was him being his own person. He is a standout in his own way. And I can appreciate that. As a matter of fact, I think that is pretty dang cool for a guy to be able to identify with something like this.
If you'll notice in this image, Mark has a lanyard dangling from his pocket. He wanted to make sure that these lanyards made it into the images, because they hold significant value to him. One of the lanyards, the pink one in particular, was something he carried with him because he had a relative going through cancer, and this was his way of supporting her. I love this!
It is Mark being Mark in his own way.
The more serious side of Mark faired well for him in these images, and I even told him a few times he could totally be a model for an agency if he needed to earn extra cash for college! Sometimes, you just have "that face" and Mark has it. He can nail a straight "serious" face and still show enough mystery to get the reader intrigued. Maybe it was his piercing blue eyes-or maybe it was the perfect jaw structure - I just know that his images are stellar without him even trying, and that is not always an easy task!
Here are more images from Mark's session! Just click on an image and it will pop up!
Amy and Dan, I so appreciate you working with me two years in a row to capture your boys for their senior portraits. Mark is a character in his own ways-and I hope that you can see the real Mark through these images. And I'm serious about the model thing. Really! ;-)
Thank you, Mark, for putting up with all of my questions and maintaining your patience even though you much would have been elsewhere than doing this shoot. You made your mom happy, and I think your images are great.
Fondly, Monda the Photographer
To get started on your senior session, click here.